Peace.- No Worries, Phillipians 4:1-7
Click here to read the passage
In this passage, we learn about two friends, Euodia and Syntyche. In verse 2 It sounds like they’ve had a bit of a falling out. Their worries have become too big and instead of turning to God and asking for his help they are arguing and saying things they don’t really mean.
Thankfully, Paul reminds them If they have peace with God they will have peace with each other and their hearts don’t need to be angry.
They can come to God and he will help them find peace in their worries and situations and help them to be kind and rejoice with one another.
When we find things stressful, we are more likely to be unreasonable, lack peace and understanding.
When we are feeling anxious, we are more likely to fall out with people.
When we worry, we can be very grumpy with one another.
But… when you give everything to God in prayer… then the peace of all understanding will guard your hearts.
Maybe you are finding it hard to have peace with the world at the moment?
Are you feeling grumpy about all the school work you have to do at home/ school?
Do you miss seeing your friends and family?
Are you letting your worries become too big?
What makes you feel grumpy?
Maybe you’re just really fed up with all this coronavirus stuff and just want things to go back to normal. (I think we are all feeling a bit like this!)
Maybe you are feeling calm and happy at the moment…this is great. Rejoice and praise God for he is good.
Pray for one another.
Parents, pray for your children and their worries and rejoice and be thankful for their blessings.
Pray the scripture over. Pray for any worries to be lifted and our week ahead is full of peace and happiness.
Let your reasonableness be known to everybody. The lord has at hand. V5
Despite feeling fed up, let’s try really hard to be radiant in His joy.
Reflect in the week:
Sometimes we can have ‘opsy’ moments and forget to trust Jesus. That’s okay, come back to Jesus, read the passage again, take a deep breath and try again. Jesus doesn’t mind how many times we try again. Keep praying and asking for Jesus’ help.
Why not print or write out the passage and stick it on your fridge and read it over yourselves and your family every day.
Listen to whatever God wants to say to you.
Rejoice and have fun with one another!
Have a good week everyone x