We understand you might feel a bit nervous before coming. Also check out our 'I'm new' page.

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Most people who participate in the service are casually dressed. Others may feel more comfortable in formal attire.
Our gatherings include a time of worship, dynamic preaching, a ministry time and a get together around coffee.
The church has good access and facilities for those with disabilities. Disabled toilet facilities are available if required. When it comes to parking, we would ask that you make us aware beforehand as the car park gets busy, particularly during the morning service.
Children are very welcome in our church. Within our morning service, there are age related activities for children and young people. We also have a crèche for very young children. Baby change facilities are available. Our children and young people workers all meet safeguarding requirements, receive regular training and are approved by the church leaders on their suitability for this type of work.
Weddings – please contact us to find out more. The church does not have a licensed registrar so the couple must arrange this with the local Registry Office. Christenings- as a church, we offer a service of dedication (for churchgoers) or a service of thanksgiving (for non-churchgoers). We do not christen or baptise children as we believe that the scriptures clearly teach the baptism of believing adults.

Free Methodists are a Bible-believing community of Jesus followers who focus on the freedom of worship, freedom from sin and freedom from a legislative moralism.

Methodism and Free Methodism represent two distinct and different Christian movements but with the same historical and Christian origins.


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