These are just a few of the faces behind the scenes, at Hope Church we are all one big team.

We would love to meet up with anyone who is moving to the area or thinking about coming to Hope Church. We're here to help and equip you in any way we can on your journey of faith and would love to see you step into all God is calling you to here in Lancaster.


Click the button below and fill out a form, someone will be in touch!

Our Eldership Team

These are the people who take a lead on the spiritual direction of Hope Church


Jamie Haxby

Lead Pastor

Jamie is married to Alisha and has two daughters called Flora and Bethany, he loves all things creative and outdoors but most of all loves seeing people transformed by the presence of God.

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Jane Osborne


Jane is married to Ed and with four children; Levi (24) Matthew (19) Daniel (16) and Naomi (14). She works as a community midwife in Lancaster, and has always had a big heart for women and families. She has experienced God’s healing power in her own life and seen what a difference prayer and trusting in God makes so she especially loves praying with others for breakthroughs.


Nanette Wilkinson

Lay Delegate Elder

Nanette is married to Harry, has two married daughters & three grandchildren. She runs a busy Interior Design business, but her primary focus will always be Jesus. Her powerful experience of the transforming love of Christ constantly motivates her to reach out & encourage others to put their trust in Him too. Nanette is happiest when surrounded by her family, although she is also an avid reader & can often be found with a book in her hand.


Steve Ellershaw

Elder and Life Groups Lead

Steve is married to Anita and together they have four teenage boys. He runs a small building company with his brother. He is at his happiest when outside either on his bike or walking in the hills. He is a passionate football fan but loves nothing more than seeing Jesus change lives and freeing people from the guilt of sin.

Our Deacon Team

These are the people who take a lead on the practical running of Hope Church

Tim Morris

Tim Morris


Tim oversees our church finances so that we are able to wisely manage the resources God has given us and release finances for ministry and to unlock our potential.


Skyler Ehly


Skyler oversees our tech ministries, he's from Pennsylvania in the United States and came to Lancaster for his Master's degree. He loves computers, technology and playing the occasional video game.


Harry Wilkinson

Welcome Team

Harry is married to Nanette, has two married daughters & three grandchildren. He became a passionate follower of Jesus in 1991 when God radically broke into his life. Harry is a businessman, but first and foremost a Kingdom builder. His primary passion is to see men find their true identity & purpose in Christ. When time allows you will find him in his workshop creating something beautiful from wood - just follow the trail of sawdust.

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Paul Murphy


Paul recently retired after 49 years of being a maintenance engineer and now gives his time to Hope Church as the building's deacon. He also serves on our Celebrate Recovery team here at Hope; in his spare time, he both like to sail and travel around Europe.


Marilyn Thomson


Marilyn lived in the Nottingham area for many years and moved to Lancaster 11 years ago. She has been married to James for 10 years. She's a retired ward sister and worked at Nottingham City Hospital for several years. Jesus transformed my life 40 years ago and although the journey has not always been an easy one, I know He has been with me and strengthened me as He promised He would.