Finance Update (September 2021)
Download a copy of the latest finance update from our Treasurer.
Different ways you can give financially to Hope Church
Bank transfer
Give by standing order or one-off BACS transfer.
You can set up a regular Standing Order or make a one-off bank transfer to the church's bank account using your online banking, telephone banking, or in person at your local bank branch by asking for the relevant form. The church's bank details are:
Bank: CAF Bank
Name: Hope Church Lancaster
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account no: 00033232
You can also do this by filling in a giving form - see below for details.
If your donation is for a specific purpose, please make this clear in the transaction reference.
Give through our online giving platform.
Stewardship provides an online giving platform which allows you to easily set up and manage monthly giving, as well as make one-off donations. You can make payments using a debit or credit card or set up a Direct Debit mandate. They will also handle claiming Gift Aid on your donation if you're eligible. You can find Hope Church's giving page at here:
Note: Stewardship charges a small percentage fee on what you give.
Cash or cheque
Give through a physical means.
We don't currently take an offering during our Sunday services, but there is a collection box on the welcome desk to the left as you enter the church from the front door, which you can use to make a donation by cash or cheque (payable to 'Hope Church Lancaster').
You can also post cash or cheques in an envelope to church, or put it directly through the post box at the front of the building, which is emptied a couple of times a week. If you'd feel more comfortable passing it directly to the treasurer rather than posting it, please contact to arrange this.
Contactless giving
Make a card payment.
Our contactless device is currently out-of-action but we are working to get this up and running again very soon.
Note: you can still give by credit or debit card using the online Stewardship platform - see information above.
Giving form
Download a giving form, which you can print out and fill in to make a one-off donation through your bank or set up a standing order. If you'd like a paper copy posted to you, please contact our treasurer Tim Morris at: