Discussion Guide for Hebrews 12

Discussion Guide for Hebrews 12: Pursuing Holiness

Key Sermon Themes

  • Surrender to God’s Will: “Will you surrender that? Will you submit to me? Because when you do…you’ll find you really live.”
  • Confession: Specific confession is crucial. “Not just a general ‘God forgive my sins,’ but what are you asking God to forgive?”
  • Saying No to Sin: “The grace of God that brings salvation helps us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions.”
  • Repentance and Penance: Repentance is acknowledging sin; penance is taking practical steps to turn from sin.
  • Enjoy Pleasing God: “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free” (Psalm 119:32).

Discussion Questions

1. Understanding the Passage (Hebrews 12:1-14)

  • What does Hebrews 12 mean when it encourages us to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles”?
  • How does the imagery of running a race help us understand our call to holiness?
  • In what ways does God’s discipline (v. 7-11) demonstrate His love for us?

2. Reflecting on the Sermon

  • Which of the five main points (Surrender, Confess, Say No, Repentance, Enjoy Pleasing God) resonates most with you, and why?
  • The speaker shared a vivid story about the lizard being transformed into a stallion (from The Great Divorce). How does this illustrate the transformation God offers through holiness?

3. Application Questions

  • What specific areas in your life might God be asking you to surrender to Him?
  • What practical steps can you take to “say no” to sin in your daily life?
  • How can you invite someone to hold you accountable for your struggles, as the speaker described with his confessor?

4. Prayerful Response

  • Take a moment to reflect: What sin might God be putting His “scalpel” on in your life? Are you ready to surrender it to Him?
  • How can your group or church support each other in the pursuit of holiness?

Group Prayer Prompts

  • Praise and Worship: Thank God for His love and discipline that shapes us into His likeness.
  • Confession: Encourage group members to silently or verbally confess specific sins to God.
  • Surrender: Ask for God’s help in surrendering areas of life that feel difficult to release.
  • Strength to Say No: Pray for the grace and courage to resist temptation and choose godliness.
  • Joy in Holiness: Ask God to help you experience the freedom and joy that comes from living a holy life.

This guide is designed to encourage deeper understanding of Hebrews 12, reflection on personal holiness, and practical application. Use it as a resource for personal or group study.