How to pastorally care for each other

21/11/2024 - Jamie Haxby

Study Guide: Galatians 6

Study Guide: Galatians 6

Group or Individual Study

This guide is designed to deepen your understanding of Galatians 6, engage with its key themes, and encourage personal and communal reflection and application.

Key Themes and Notes from the Sermon

  1. Sin as Burden

    • Paul equates sins with burdens. These can be personal sins or the sins of others that weigh us down through trauma.
    • “Our disobedience to God and our own selfishness…cause us to be weighed down and less than fully alive.”
  2. Carrying Each Other’s Burdens

    • Sharing and listening to others’ burdens fulfills the law of Christ: to love others as He loved us (John 13:34).
    • “We take other people’s burdens, and then Jesus takes our burdens from us.”
  3. Humility in Pastoral Care

    • Pastoral care is about listening, empathizing, and leading people to Jesus—not fixing them.
    • “One of the best things we can do is lift their burdens off them and take them to the cross by praying with them.”
  4. Boasting in Christ Alone

    • Confidence and hope are rooted in Jesus’ victory over sin and death, not in human ability.
    • “The thing that makes the difference is Jesus Christ! I boast alone in Christ!”
  5. Practical Steps for Burden-Bearing

    • Be present, listen, empathize, and pray with people in their pain.
    • Take their burdens to the cross and trust God to bring healing and transformation.
    • Avoid unsolicited advice and focus on pointing others to Christ.

Discussion Questions

Understanding the Passage

  1. Read Galatians 6:1-10. How does Paul describe the role of Christians in supporting one another?
  2. What does it mean to “fulfill the law of Christ”? How does this relate to bearing each other’s burdens?
  3. Why is humility essential in helping others? How does Paul warn against pride in verse 3?

Reflection on the Sermon

  1. Have you experienced a time when someone helped you carry a burden? What impact did it have on you?
  2. How does understanding that “the power to lift burdens comes through Jesus” shape the way you support others?
  3. Why is it important to listen without offering unsolicited advice? How can you ensure your help points others to Jesus?


  1. Is there someone in your life right now who needs help carrying their burden? What steps can you take to walk with them?
  2. How can you better surrender your own burdens to Christ to increase your capacity to help others?
  3. Are there ways your group or church could more effectively create space for burden-sharing and prayer?

Prayer Prompts

  • Thanksgiving: Thank God for His ultimate burden-bearing through Jesus.
  • Confession: Acknowledge times when you’ve been unwilling to share or carry burdens.
  • Intercession: Pray for those in your life who are weighed down by burdens. Ask for wisdom to walk with them and take their burdens to Jesus.
  • Surrender: Ask for greater humility and reliance on Christ in your pastoral care of others.


Paul’s teaching reminds us that the gospel is about transformation through Christ. As you bear others’ burdens and bring them to the cross, trust that the Holy Spirit will work powerfully—not through your strength, but through God’s grace.

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Hope Church Lancaster

Psalm 119:114

'You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.'

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