ephesians cover

Knowing him better

Study Guide for Sermon on Ephesians 1:15-23: “Knowing Him Better”

Opening Prayer

Begin with a prayer asking God to open the eyes of your heart to receive His wisdom and revelation. Ask for insight into the hope, power, and inheritance found in Jesus Christ.

Scripture Passage: Ephesians 1:15-23

“For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.”
(Ephesians 1:15-18)

Key Themes from the Sermon

  • The Power of Knowing God Better
    • Paul’s prayer centers on the Ephesian church knowing God deeply, transforming their relationship.
  • The Hope We Have in Christ
    • Knowing God includes understanding the eternal hope He provides.
    • “If you do know God, then this hopeless world gets a little glimmer of hope.”
  • Our Identity as His Inheritance
    • We are precious to God, His glorious inheritance, which changes how we see ourselves.
  • The Power at Work Within Us
    • The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us, empowering us to partner with the Spirit.
    • “We cannot, we must not, do these things in our own strength. We must do it by His power, His might, and His Spirit.”

Discussion Questions

Understanding the Passage

  • Why does Paul emphasize knowing God better in his prayer for the Ephesian church?
  • What does it mean for the “eyes of your heart” to be enlightened?

Applying the Message

  • How does knowing the hope God has called you to change the way you face life’s challenges?
  • How can you remind yourself daily that you are part of God’s glorious inheritance?

Living in His Power

  • How can you rely more on His strength rather than your own?
  • Share a moment when you felt God’s power at work in your life. How did it change the situation?

Application Prompts

  • Personal Reflection
    • Spend time this week reflecting on how well you know God.
  • Encouragement to Others
    • Use Ephesians 1:15-23 to pray for someone specific and commit to praying for them daily.
  • Walking in His Power
    • Identify an area in your life where you need God’s power. Take a step of faith this week, trusting in His strength.

Prayer Prompts

  • Thanksgiving
    • Praise God for the hope He has given you and for calling you His inheritance.
  • Confession
    • Acknowledge times when you’ve relied on your own strength rather than His power.
  • Intercession
    • Pray Ephesians 1:15-23 over someone in your life, asking God to open their heart to His hope, power, and love.


ephesians cover

Lord, Make Me Holy

Discussion Guide for Hebrews 12

Discussion Guide for Hebrews 12: Pursuing Holiness

Key Sermon Themes

  • Surrender to God’s Will: “Will you surrender that? Will you submit to me? Because when you do…you’ll find you really live.”
  • Confession: Specific confession is crucial. “Not just a general ‘God forgive my sins,’ but what are you asking God to forgive?”
  • Saying No to Sin: “The grace of God that brings salvation helps us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions.”
  • Repentance and Penance: Repentance is acknowledging sin; penance is taking practical steps to turn from sin.
  • Enjoy Pleasing God: “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free” (Psalm 119:32).

Discussion Questions

1. Understanding the Passage (Hebrews 12:1-14)

  • What does Hebrews 12 mean when it encourages us to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles”?
  • How does the imagery of running a race help us understand our call to holiness?
  • In what ways does God’s discipline (v. 7-11) demonstrate His love for us?

2. Reflecting on the Sermon

  • Which of the five main points (Surrender, Confess, Say No, Repentance, Enjoy Pleasing God) resonates most with you, and why?
  • The speaker shared a vivid story about the lizard being transformed into a stallion (from The Great Divorce). How does this illustrate the transformation God offers through holiness?

3. Application Questions

  • What specific areas in your life might God be asking you to surrender to Him?
  • What practical steps can you take to “say no” to sin in your daily life?
  • How can you invite someone to hold you accountable for your struggles, as the speaker described with his confessor?

4. Prayerful Response

  • Take a moment to reflect: What sin might God be putting His “scalpel” on in your life? Are you ready to surrender it to Him?
  • How can your group or church support each other in the pursuit of holiness?

Group Prayer Prompts

  • Praise and Worship: Thank God for His love and discipline that shapes us into His likeness.
  • Confession: Encourage group members to silently or verbally confess specific sins to God.
  • Surrender: Ask for God’s help in surrendering areas of life that feel difficult to release.
  • Strength to Say No: Pray for the grace and courage to resist temptation and choose godliness.
  • Joy in Holiness: Ask God to help you experience the freedom and joy that comes from living a holy life.

This guide is designed to encourage deeper understanding of Hebrews 12, reflection on personal holiness, and practical application. Use it as a resource for personal or group study.

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All Aboard the Train of Salvation

Study Guide: Ephesians 1:1-14

Study Guide for Ephesians 1:1-14: “All Aboard the Train of Salvation”


Ephesians 1:1-14 paints a breathtaking picture of God’s eternal plan for humanity—offering salvation, adoption, redemption, and the promise of an eternal inheritance in Christ. This guide explores key points from the sermon and includes discussion prompts, application questions, and prayer suggestions to deepen understanding and inspire action.

Key Points from the Sermon

  1. The Train of Salvation

    “On the front of the train, it says, ‘All aboard for healing, salvation, the good life, adoption into God’s family, and escape from pain and suffering.’”

    God’s salvation plan is unstoppable and predetermined, but we have the choice to get on board.

  2. Adoption into God’s Family

    “In God’s family, you are all sons… all of equal value, acceptance, and dignity.”

    Adoption means belonging fully and acting with the confidence of heirs in God’s kingdom.

  3. Redemption through Christ

    Redemption is freedom from the past—sin, trauma, and suffering—into a new, God-destined future.

    “He was ripped apart so you could be put back together.”

  4. Chosen for Glory

    God’s love is unwavering and faithful, likened to a train bound to its tracks.

  5. Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

    “We HAVE every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus—past tense, already ours.”

    This truth should transform how we live, pray, and act.

Discussion Points

Understanding the Bible Passage

  • What does it mean to be “in Christ” according to Ephesians 1:3-14?
  • Discuss the concept of adoption into God’s family. How is it both radical and life-changing?
  • How do “redemption” and “inheritance” shape our understanding of salvation?

Reflecting on the Sermon

  • How does the imagery of a train help us understand God’s plan of salvation?
  • In what ways do we sometimes hesitate to “get on the train” or fully commit to Christ?
  • How does knowing we have “every spiritual blessing” challenge our current mindset or behavior?

Practical Application

  • What would it look like to live as though the city, creation, and people around us belong to our Heavenly Father?
  • How can we “shake off feelings of inadequacy” and live with confidence in Christ?
  • What steps can you take to actively invite others to “board the train”?

Application Questions


  • Are there areas of your life where you feel “stuck on the platform”? What’s stopping you from stepping onto the train?
  • How does knowing you are chosen and adopted into God’s family change the way you see yourself?


  • As a church, how can we live out our identity as adopted sons and daughters of God?
  • How can we disrupt our city in a positive way, reflecting God’s kingdom?


  • If you truly believed you have every spiritual blessing in Christ, how would that affect your prayer life, relationships, and generosity?

Prayer Prompts

  • Thank God for His eternal plan of salvation and for inviting us to be part of His family.
  • Pray for confidence to live as heirs of God’s kingdom, free from fear and inadequacy.
  • Ask for opportunities to share the hope and blessings of being “in Christ” with others.
  • Pray for God to disrupt your city positively, transforming it with His love and justice.

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Slow Down and Behold Him

Study Guide for Sermon on Luke 2:8-20: “Slow Down and Behold Him”

Opening Prayer

Begin with a prayer inviting God to reveal His presence and truth through this study. Ask for an open heart to rediscover the wonder of Jesus’ birth and its significance for your life.

Scripture Passage: Luke 2:8-20

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.

But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.’”
(Luke 2:8-11)

Key Themes from the Sermon

  • God Chooses the Unlikely
    • The shepherds, considered lowly and ordinary, were the first to hear the news of Jesus’ birth.
    • “He uses the unlikely and the ordinary to do the impossible and the extraordinary.”
  • Behold the Good News
    • The angel’s call to “behold” invites us to pause and deeply consider the significance of Jesus’ coming.
    • “To behold is to look more than once… It’s taking time carefully to examine something.”
  • Respond with Wonder and Praise
    • The shepherds’ reaction was awe and action, while Mary treasured and pondered God’s work in her heart.
    • “Don’t get so busy that you miss the peace Jesus gives.”
  • God’s Glory is Greater Than Our Troubles
    • Reflecting on God’s glory helps reframe our struggles in light of His power and presence.
    • “The weight of His glory is so much greater, and He is with you in this.”

Discussion Questions

Understanding the Passage

  • Why do you think God chose the shepherds to first receive the news of Jesus’ birth?
  • What does the angel’s command to “behold” mean for us today?

Applying the Message

  • How can we “behold” Jesus during this busy season, rather than just glimpse at Him?
  • Think about the shepherds’ response to the angel’s message. How does their immediate obedience challenge or inspire you?

Personal Reflection

  • Like Mary, how can you treasure and ponder the work of God in your life this Christmas?
  • What steps can you take to slow down and focus on the glory of God rather than the pressures of the season?

Application Prompts

  • Beholding the Good News
    • Spend five minutes in silence reflecting on the miracle of Jesus’ birth.
    • Write down one way Jesus has brought peace or light into your life recently.
  • Sharing the Good News
    • Consider one way you can share the hope of Jesus with someone this week.
  • Releasing Your Worries
    • Reflect on a current worry or burden. Pray and release it to God, trusting in His glory and goodness.

Prayer Prompts

  • Praise and Thanksgiving
    • Thank God for sending Jesus as Emmanuel, “God with us.”
    • Praise Him for His faithfulness and the ways His glory has been evident in your life.
  • Confession and Refocus
    • Confess any ways you’ve been distracted by busyness or worry. Ask God to help you slow down and truly behold Him this Christmas.
  • Intercession
    • Pray for those who feel far from God this season, asking Him to draw near and reveal His peace and love.
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Reclaiming Hope in the Darkness

Study Guide for Isaiah 9

Study Guide for Isaiah 9: Reclaiming Hope in the Darkness

Opening Reflection

  • Reflect on a time when you experienced a major, unexpected change in your life. How did it shape your perspective?
  • Consider the illustration of Mia from The Princess Diaries. How does her transformation mirror the transformative promise in Isaiah 9?

Understanding the Context

Key Points:

  • Isaiah prophesied during a dark time for Israel when they faced destruction and exile.
  • Amid judgment, Isaiah brings hope: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light” (v. 2).

Discussion Questions:

  • What does the “deep darkness” symbolize in Isaiah’s context? What might it represent for us today?
  • How does Isaiah’s message of hope in the midst of despair resonate with you personally?

The Great Change

Key Sermon Highlights:

  • The promise of light breaking into darkness transforms everything:
    • Anxiety becomes joy.
    • Oppression turns to freedom.
    • War gives way to peace.
  • Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of this change:
    • Wonderful Counselor: Offering wisdom.
    • Mighty God: Demonstrating power.
    • Everlasting Father: Providing love and protection.
    • Prince of Peace: Bringing reconciliation.

Discussion Questions:

  • How do the titles of Jesus in verses 6–7 reveal the nature of God’s promise to His people?
  • What does it mean for Jesus to be a “light” in our individual lives and the world today?
  • Which aspect of this transformation (e.g., joy, freedom, peace) do you long for most? Why?

Living in the Tension

Key Sermon Highlights:

  • Even as Christians, we often feel the tension between the promise of transformation and the ongoing struggles of life.
  • Moments of worship, gratitude, and prayer give us “tastes” of the full peace and joy to come.

Discussion Questions:

  • Why do you think Christians can still experience darkness despite knowing the “great light”?
  • Share a moment when you felt the peace or joy described in Isaiah 9. How did that sustain you?

Application Questions:

  • How can you actively seek the light of Jesus in your current struggles?
  • In what ways can you bring hope to others walking in darkness?

Prayer Prompts

  • Adoration: Praise God for His wisdom, power, love, and peace.
  • Confession: Acknowledge areas where you’ve walked in darkness or lost sight of His light.
  • Thanksgiving: Thank God for moments of joy, peace, and hope in your life.
  • Supplication: Ask for a deeper experience of His presence and transformation in your life and community.

Challenge for the Week

  • Reflect on one area of your life that feels dark or overwhelming. Commit it to God in prayer daily, asking Him to bring light and transformation.
  • Consider inviting someone to join you at church or a small group to share in the light of Christ.

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Hope Church Lancaster

Psalm 119:114

'You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.'

Copyright Hope Church 2018
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Hope Church is a part of the Free Methodist Church UK
