Giving as an Antidote to Financial Anxiety

27/09/2024 - Jamie Haxby

Giving as an Antidote to Financial Anxiety – Study Guide

Study Guide: “Giving as an Antidote to Financial Anxiety”

Passage: Matthew 6:19-24


This week, we will explore how Jesus teaches on money and generosity in the Sermon on the Mount. Our focus is on understanding the connection between giving and financial anxiety and how we can experience true freedom by trusting God with our resources.

Opening Questions

  • What are some things you find yourself “storing up” in life? (e.g., money, possessions, reputation, etc.)
  • Why do you think Jesus links treasure to the heart in Matthew 6:21?
  • How do you feel about the idea that giving is an antidote to financial anxiety? Have you ever experienced this in your life?

Read Matthew 6:19-24

Main Points of Discussion

1. Treasures on Earth vs. Treasures in Heaven (vv. 19-21)

  • What do you treasure?
    • Jesus tells us not to store up treasures on earth, but what are examples of treasures we store up today?
    • Discuss how material things can feel like security, but they are temporary.
  • Heavenly treasures
    • What are “treasures in heaven”? How might we store them up? (Examples could include acts of generosity, love, and kindness).
  • Discussion Question: How can we practically “store up” treasures in heaven in our daily lives?

2. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Eyes (vv. 22-23)

  • Healthy vs. Unhealthy Eyes
    • Jesus uses the metaphor of the eye as the “lamp” of the body. In Greek, the word for healthy means “generous” and unhealthy means “stingy.”
    • Generosity brings light into our lives, while stinginess brings darkness.
  • Discussion Question: How does being generous fill us with “light”? Have you noticed a connection between generosity and a sense of inner peace or fulfillment?

3. Serving Two Masters (v. 24)

  • Divided Loyalty
    • Jesus says that we cannot serve both God and money. It’s impossible to be fully devoted to both.
  • Discussion Question: In what ways can money become a master over our lives? How can we shift our focus to serve God more wholeheartedly?

Application Questions

  • Financial Anxiety: How does focusing on storing up earthly treasures contribute to financial anxiety? How does giving help alleviate that anxiety?
  • Generosity: Where do you feel called to be more generous? Are there specific areas of your life where God is asking you to let go and trust Him more?
  • Challenge: How can you practice intentional generosity this week, even in small ways? What might it look like for you to give without expecting anything in return?

Prayer Prompts

  • For Heart Transformation: Ask God to help shift your heart’s focus from earthly things to heavenly treasures.
  • For Generosity: Pray for a spirit of generosity, trusting that God will provide for all your needs.
  • For Freedom from Anxiety: Ask God to help you surrender any financial anxiety and to rest in His provision.

Group Activity or Reflection (Optional)

Invite group members to write down something they are holding on to (e.g., money worries, material possessions) and offer it to God in prayer. Alternatively, as a group, consider organizing a small act of generosity this week, such as supporting a charity or helping someone in need.

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Hope Church Lancaster

Psalm 119:114

'You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.'

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