Generosity and Giving Sermon Study Guide (1st September)

31/08/2024 - Jamie Haxby

Study Guide – Generosity and Giving, Sunday 1st September

Study Guide: Generosity and Giving

Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

Overview: This study guide is designed to help individuals or groups dive deeper into the sermon on generosity and giving. The focus of this study is not merely on financial generosity, but on the heart transformation that accompanies a surrendered life. This is also about breaking free from the anxiety and control that money can have over our lives. Let’s journey together toward becoming people of joyful, sacrificial generosity.

Main Points of the Sermon:

  • Generosity is about much more than giving money; it’s about the state of our hearts and trusting God as our provider.
  • God’s Kingdom operates differently from the world’s economic systems (capitalism or communism) – it is about recognizing that everything belongs to God.
  • The Macedonian church demonstrated generosity despite extreme poverty, driven by their overflowing joy in God’s grace.
  • We need to break free from attachment to money and possessions, trusting that God will provide what we need.
  • Generosity is part of God’s plan for setting us free from anxiety and fear, bringing joy and purpose to our lives.

Discussion Points:

  • Reflect on 2 Corinthians 8:1-9: What stands out to you in Paul’s description of the Macedonian church’s generosity? How does their attitude challenge or inspire you?
  • The Role of Money: In what ways can money take hold of our hearts, and how does this passage encourage us to let go of that control?
  • Jesus and Money: Why do you think Jesus spoke so much about money in His teachings? What does this reveal about its significance in our spiritual lives?
  • Joyful Giving: The sermon emphasized that God loves a “cheerful giver.” What might it look like to give joyfully rather than out of guilt or obligation? Can you think of a time when giving brought you joy?

Application Questions:

  • Examine Your Heart: Where do you find yourself most attached to money or possessions? What steps can you take to loosen that grip?
  • Generosity in Practice: What opportunities do you currently have to practice generosity? How can you give in a way that reflects the joy of partnering with God’s work?
  • Changing Your Vision: Are there areas of your life where you are holding onto a “middle-class vision” of comfort and security rather than pursuing the radical adventure of God’s Kingdom? What might it look like to make that shift?
  • Giving as Worship: How can you incorporate generosity into your worship and prayer life? In what ways does giving bring you closer to God and help you experience His freedom?

Prayer Prompts:

  • Ask God to help you see money and possessions through the lens of His Kingdom, trusting Him as your provider.
  • Pray for freedom from any anxiety or fear related to finances, and for the grace to be generous in all areas of your life.
  • Invite God to reveal any areas of your heart that are too attached to material things, and ask Him for the strength to surrender them to Him.
  • Thank God for the joy of participating in His work through your generosity, and ask for guidance on how to use your resources for His glory.
  • Pray for the church, that it may be a community marked by radical generosity, joy, and freedom in Christ.

Key Verse for Meditation:

2 Corinthians 8:9 – “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

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