Study Guide for Sermon: “Matthew 6 and Anxiety”
Bible Passage: Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18
This study guide is designed to be used individually or in a group setting, either during the sermon or in a mid-week group. It is based on a message about anxiety and finding our identity in Christ, with an emphasis on living authentically and not being controlled by fear.
Icebreaker Questions
- What’s a common fear or anxiety that people deal with in everyday life?
- Have you ever had to “fake it” to appear more confident or capable than you really were? How did it feel?
Bible Reading
Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18
Sermon Summary
The sermon focuses on the gap between our ideal selves and our actual selves. Many people struggle with fear, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy because they feel they don’t measure up to societal, personal, or religious expectations. Jesus, in Matthew 6, addresses the issue of authenticity by calling out hypocritical practices. He encourages genuine spirituality, prayer, fasting, and giving—not to impress others, but to connect more deeply with God. Our true identity lies not in who we are now or who we think we should be, but in our “eschatological real self”—our future self in Christ, perfected in Him.
Discussion Points
Understanding the Passage
- Read Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18. What does Jesus teach about prayer, fasting, and giving? Why is He concerned with the motives behind these actions?
- How does Jesus’ teaching challenge cultural or religious expectations of outward appearance versus inward sincerity?
Exploring Identity
- The sermon contrasts the “ideal self,” “actual self,” and “eschatological real self.” What are some examples of “shoulds” that you feel have been imposed on you by society, family, or religious environments?
- How does knowing that our true identity is found in Christ’s future promise help to alleviate anxiety about who we are now?
Living Authentically
- Jesus condemns hypocrisy in religious acts. What are ways that we can be tempted to be “hypocritical” in our faith today (e.g., through social media, church, work)?
- What does it look like to live out an authentic faith? How can we align our actual selves with our identity in Christ without faking it or striving for applause from others?
Application Questions
Personal Reflection
- In what areas of your life are you tempted to present an idealized version of yourself to others? Why do you feel the need to do this?
- What fears or anxieties do you experience because of the gap between your ideal self and actual self?
Practicing Prayer and Fasting
- Reflect on Jesus’ teachings on prayer and fasting. How can you practice these disciplines in a way that draws you closer to God rather than seeking approval from others?
- What might God be asking you to do in secret—whether in prayer, giving, or fasting—that will help you grow in your relationship with Him?
Pressing Toward Your Eschatological Real Self
- What does it mean to you that your “real self” is found in Christ’s future promise? How does this knowledge impact your daily life?
- Consider Philippians 3:12-14: What does it mean to “press on” toward what God has called you to be? How can this passage encourage you to live boldly, without fear of judgment or failure?
Prayer Prompts
- Pray for Understanding: Ask God to reveal areas in your life where you’ve been striving to meet unrealistic expectations or ideals. Ask for the grace to accept who you are in Christ.
- Pray for Boldness: Pray for the courage to let go of fear and step into the life God has called you to, remembering that your identity is secure in Christ’s promise.
- Pray for Authenticity: Ask God to help you live authentically in your faith, not for the applause of others but for His glory.