Follow The Narrow Path

09/11/2024 - Jamie Haxby

Study Guide: Matthew 7:13-23


This guide is intended for use in small groups, individual study, or even to follow along with the sermon, helping us to delve into Matthew 7:13-23, understand Jesus’ words on the narrow and broad paths, and reflect deeply on the application for our lives.

Opening Discussion

  1. Contextual Introduction

    Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:13-23 is a challenging and crucial reminder of the paths we can take in life. This is one of the more difficult teachings of the Bible, as it calls us to choose between two paths: the narrow way of following Christ and the broad way of following the world.

    What emotions or thoughts does this teaching stir in you?

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:13-23

  1. Read Matthew 7:13-23 out loud, either individually or as a group.
  2. Briefly summarize what stands out most from the reading. How does Jesus contrast the narrow and wide paths?

Sermon Highlights and Reflections

  1. The Narrow and Broad Paths

    “There is a narrow path, a very specific way in which you are to live your life in following him, living a life of surrender to him. And that specific way of living brings life.”

    Jesus presents two paths: one is narrow, challenging, and life-giving; the other is wide, appealing, and leads to destruction.

    Discussion Question: What makes the narrow path more challenging than the wide path? Why might people be drawn to the broad path?

  2. Influencers and False Prophets

    “There are voices that lead you down these two paths, Jesus calls them prophets. We might call them influencers today.”

    Jesus warns of false prophets who lead people astray by telling them what they want to hear. These voices can often appeal to personal desires rather than biblical truth.

    Discussion Question: Who are some “voices” in today’s culture that encourage people toward a self-centered lifestyle? How can we discern between God’s truth and the “easy” messages these voices share?

  3. Assessing Fruits

    “You will recognize them by their fruit.”

    A key way to identify false prophets is by looking at their “fruit,” the evidence of their teachings and lives. Good trees bear good fruit; bad trees bear bad fruit.

    Application Question: How can we look for “good fruit” in our own lives as evidence of walking the narrow path?

  4. Modern False Prophets

    Reflect on the historical account of German Christians in WWII, led astray by propaganda and the twisting of Martin Luther’s words, and the story of Jonny Cash’s return to faith.

    Discussion Point: What are modern examples of cultural messages or influencers that tempt us to follow the wide path? How might we remain vigilant against these false prophets?

  5. Surrender and Belonging

    “Jesus wants you to be more than a lone individual and more than a consumer; he wants you to belong.”

    The narrow path includes a life of surrender and community. It’s not about consuming faith but about deep commitment to Christ and His people.

    Reflection Question: How does your relationship with church look? Are there ways you could shift from being a “consumer” to a fully committed member of the body of Christ?

Application and Prayer

  1. Reflection and Self-Examination

    Are there any ways you might be walking on the broad path without realizing it? Reflect on areas in life where you may have followed cultural voices over Christ’s call to live for Him.

  2. Practical Steps Forward

    Identify one area in your life where you can more closely align with the narrow path. It might involve a change in daily habits, attitudes, or relationships.

  3. Prayer Prompts
    • Thank Jesus for being our guide and for His words that lead to life.
    • Pray for discernment to recognize and reject the voices that call you down the wide path.
    • Ask for courage and strength to live for Christ, no matter how challenging the path may be.

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Hope Church Lancaster

Psalm 119:114

'You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.'

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