Party in the Trees
Click here to read Matthew 6:25
Sometimes when we are in our garden or walking to the park we can hear some very noisy birds singing above us. Flora always says ‘the birds are having a party in the trees!’ It certainly sounds like they’re having a party! They are singing and making beautiful chirping noises and if you look up it looks like they are dancing! Weaving in and out of the branches and bobbing up and down.
The more I think about birds, the more I realise they never seem to be sad or worried at all! They always seem so happy, full of spirit, wild, free, and full of joy!
This reminds me of when Jesus tells us to be like the birds in the sky.
In Matthew 6:25 it says ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?’
Sometimes it’s hard to trust that Jesus is in control. But the birds trust him completely! They can sing and dance in the trees knowing they can trust their Heavenly Father! Because he loves them, and if he loves them, how much MORE do you think he loves YOU!?
If you were a bird where would you fly to? (Why not pretend to be a bird and fly around your house!- carefully!) what can you see? How do you feel?
Do you find it hard to trust Jesus?
What do you think you can do to trust him better?
Help us to trust in Jesus better.
Thank him that he loves us SO much more than the birds in the sky.
Thank him that he provides our every need.
Reflect in the week:
Why not go for a walk together this week and listen out for the birds having a party in the trees!
Remember to trust Jesus. He is in control.