Building on the Rock

15/11/2024 - Jamie Haxby

Study Guide: Building on the Rock

Bible Passage: Matthew 7:24–29

Opening Reflection

Begin by reading Matthew 7:24–29 aloud. Reflect on Jesus’ vivid imagery of the wise and foolish builders.

Key Question to Discuss:

  • What do you think it means to “build your house on the rock”?

Main Points from the Sermon

1. Storms Will Come

Life brings storms—difficulties, challenges, uncertainties—but Jesus is our sure foundation.

“When we build our house on the rock, we know that whatever happens, Jesus is still Lord.”

Discussion Questions:

  • What are some “storms” you’ve faced or seen others face?
  • How do worldly solutions compare with building on Jesus as the Rock?

2. The Promise of “But God” Moments

The Bible is filled with stories where things seemed impossible, but God intervened (e.g., David, Joseph, Epaphroditus, and Jesus’ resurrection).

“The Bible is full of followers of God falling, their lives crumbling, bad things happening, but God is there.”

Discussion Questions:

  • Can you share a “but God” moment in your life?
  • How does remembering these stories strengthen your faith during trials?

3. Building with Intention

Building on the rock requires intentional effort: trusting God, following His guidance, and living out His teachings.

“The Holy Spirit is our planning permission. We need to do the groundwork.”

Discussion Questions:

  • How can we make practical decisions to build our lives on Jesus’ teachings?
  • What areas of your life might need some “renovation” to align with Jesus’ way?

4. Helping Others Rebuild

The church is called not only to build its foundation on Christ but also to help others rebuild their lives on Him.

“What if we raised a new city out of the wreckage for Him?”

Discussion Questions:

  • How can we share hope with others whose “houses” are crumbling?
  • What opportunities exist in your community to demonstrate Jesus’ love?

Application Questions

  • How can you prioritize time with Jesus daily to strengthen your foundation?
  • Are there teachings from the Sermon on the Mount that you find particularly challenging? How can you begin to practice them?
  • In what ways can you be part of “rebuilding the ruins” in your church, family, or city?

Prayer Prompts

  1. Thanksgiving: Praise God for being the unshakable Rock in a world of uncertainty.
  2. Confession: Acknowledge areas where you’ve built on sand and ask for guidance to rebuild on the Rock.
  3. Intercession: Pray for those in your life or community who are experiencing storms and need Jesus as their foundation.
  4. Commitment: Ask for strength to live out Jesus’ teachings, no matter the challenges.

Encouragement for the Week

Reflect on Isaiah 43:19: “See, I am doing a new thing!” Look for ways God is working in your life and through you to help others.

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Hope Church Lancaster

Psalm 119:114

'You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.'

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