All Aboard the Train of Salvation

09/01/2025 - Jamie Haxby

Study Guide: Ephesians 1:1-14

Study Guide for Ephesians 1:1-14: “All Aboard the Train of Salvation”


Ephesians 1:1-14 paints a breathtaking picture of God’s eternal plan for humanity—offering salvation, adoption, redemption, and the promise of an eternal inheritance in Christ. This guide explores key points from the sermon and includes discussion prompts, application questions, and prayer suggestions to deepen understanding and inspire action.

Key Points from the Sermon

  1. The Train of Salvation

    “On the front of the train, it says, ‘All aboard for healing, salvation, the good life, adoption into God’s family, and escape from pain and suffering.’”

    God’s salvation plan is unstoppable and predetermined, but we have the choice to get on board.

  2. Adoption into God’s Family

    “In God’s family, you are all sons… all of equal value, acceptance, and dignity.”

    Adoption means belonging fully and acting with the confidence of heirs in God’s kingdom.

  3. Redemption through Christ

    Redemption is freedom from the past—sin, trauma, and suffering—into a new, God-destined future.

    “He was ripped apart so you could be put back together.”

  4. Chosen for Glory

    God’s love is unwavering and faithful, likened to a train bound to its tracks.

  5. Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

    “We HAVE every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus—past tense, already ours.”

    This truth should transform how we live, pray, and act.

Discussion Points

Understanding the Bible Passage

  • What does it mean to be “in Christ” according to Ephesians 1:3-14?
  • Discuss the concept of adoption into God’s family. How is it both radical and life-changing?
  • How do “redemption” and “inheritance” shape our understanding of salvation?

Reflecting on the Sermon

  • How does the imagery of a train help us understand God’s plan of salvation?
  • In what ways do we sometimes hesitate to “get on the train” or fully commit to Christ?
  • How does knowing we have “every spiritual blessing” challenge our current mindset or behavior?

Practical Application

  • What would it look like to live as though the city, creation, and people around us belong to our Heavenly Father?
  • How can we “shake off feelings of inadequacy” and live with confidence in Christ?
  • What steps can you take to actively invite others to “board the train”?

Application Questions


  • Are there areas of your life where you feel “stuck on the platform”? What’s stopping you from stepping onto the train?
  • How does knowing you are chosen and adopted into God’s family change the way you see yourself?


  • As a church, how can we live out our identity as adopted sons and daughters of God?
  • How can we disrupt our city in a positive way, reflecting God’s kingdom?


  • If you truly believed you have every spiritual blessing in Christ, how would that affect your prayer life, relationships, and generosity?

Prayer Prompts

  • Thank God for His eternal plan of salvation and for inviting us to be part of His family.
  • Pray for confidence to live as heirs of God’s kingdom, free from fear and inadequacy.
  • Ask for opportunities to share the hope and blessings of being “in Christ” with others.
  • Pray for God to disrupt your city positively, transforming it with His love and justice.

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Hope Church Lancaster

Psalm 119:114

'You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.'

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