Guidelines for Volunteers
The basic guidelines needed to volunteer with Bay Volunteers.
- Maintain good hand hygiene. Wash your hands when you get home from being out in public.
- If you have any problems, questions or concerns at any point, make sure to tell us these in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers", then we will definitely see it and can take any action. Following this, a member of the Bay Volunteers team will get back to you.
- Each time you complete a shift within a mission or when you have completed a 'one-off' mission that doesn't have shifts, make sure to REPORT so we have a record of time spent volunteering and of that person being supported.
- Delete contact details (phone number and address) once you no longer need them. Only keep them for a mission that is recurring.
- Deliveries should be left on the doorstep. After delivering, knock on the door to alert the person, then leave or move back from the door while you wait to ensure that they've picked the delivery up.
- Please be respectful of people’s belongings and property. We will report anyone who abuses this voluntary position and take such abuses extremely seriously.
- Be cheerful and make general conversation.
- Think beforehand about suggestions you can make of things they can do to keep them occupied.
- Make sure that you listen more than you speak, ask them lots of questions; don’t just speak about your own life but take the time to really listen.
- Do not make over-commitments and promises that are unrealistic, do not commit to anything that involves physical contact with people.
- Never promise confidentiality; if you need to pass information on, please make sure to tell us these in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers", then we will definitely see it and can take any action. Following this, a member of the Bay Volunteers team will get back to you. However, if appropriate you may need to pass on information to the relevant authority yourself.
- Samaritans give some advice of how to listen using the 'SHUSH' acrostic:
- S - Show you care
- H - Have patience
- U - Use open questions
- S - Say it back
- H - Have courage
- You can find out more about the 'SHUSH' acrostic on their listening tips poster here.
- If you are concerned about someone’s physical health, encourage them to check the advice at or phone 111.
- If you are concerned about someone's mental health, encourage them to call the Initial Response Service (IRS) as part of Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust or you can contact this number on the client's behalf free 24/7, 365 days a year on: 0800 013 0710.
- Contact the client on the day of the appointment to confirm details and times.
- Minimize contact with the client, ask them to sit in the back (where possible) and have ventilation in the car (where possible).
- Wait for the client for when they have finished their appointment.
- Return the patient to their address as per the inbound journey.
- Contact Bay Volunteers in case of any issues and 999 in the case of an emergency.
- Make contact with the client to clarify the support required and to arrange a day and time to visit.
- On the arranged day and at the arranged time, the volunteer will go to the cllient’s home and help them with their digital need, e.g. to download and use the relevant NHS App(s).
- Check with the client if they are happy with what you have done for/with them or shown them, or whether they would like another session to be arranged in a week or two weeks’ time (or whenever is appropriate).
- Make contact with the client (it is probably wise to spend a bit of time on the phone building up a rapport with the client first) to clarify the support required and to clarify the start date and the transport best to be taken together to the community group.
- Attend the community group with the client for the number of weeks given in the mission (obviously checking that they do want to attend that community group again).
- Return to the client's address with them.
Volunteer FAQs ❓
General questions
1) In most cases, the first thing to do is phone the client to confirm the details of the mission (remember to use '141' in front of their phone number to withhold your phone number - you can ring directly from the mission within the app where it gives you the option to use '141' in front of your number, which we strongly advise).
2) You may need to agree a time for you to collect or deliver items, and make arrangements for payment.
3) When you have completed each shift/mission, REPORT on this in Volunteero.
4) If you have any problems, questions or concerns at any point, make sure to tell us these in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers?", then we will definitely see it and can take any action. Following this, a member of the Bay Volunteers team will get back to you.
We recommend giving your first name only, and make it clear that you are calling on behalf of Bay Volunteers, then give whatever information you know about the task, e.g. ‘I understand you would like help getting some shopping’, then ask how you can help.
You can call the client directly from the app where it will give you the option to include '141' in front of your number to without it. If you're just using your normal phone calls section of your phone, dial 141 then dial the number you want to call to stop your number being displayed on that individual call. This works on a call-by-call basis, so you must do it for each call for which you want to hide your number. Your phone may well have a setting to turn this on permanently if you'd prefer that. This should work for both mobile phones and landlines.
Note that Bay Volunteers doesn't require you to do this, but we recommend it if possible, certainly for the first few contacts. 16-18 year olds in Full-Time Education MUST do this.
If there is a problem or query related to the task, make sure to tell us these in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers?", then we will definitely see it and can take any action. Following this, a member of the Bay Volunteers team will get back to you. If your query is simple to deal with, we just message you back with the answer. If there is something more complicated that needs resolving or you need more support, we may phone you to discuss the issue further, or possibly take the mission off your hands for us to resolve.
You can also use this REPORT within a mission to ask for someone to phone you if the problem is more serious or urgent, or you can't summarise it easily in a written message. We will then get someone to phone you as soon as we can.
If you are offered any gift/payment for your support, then it is important that you politely refuse this as by taking a gift/payment it then doesn't become volunteering. Therefore, this must be adherred to as part of what you do for Bay Volunteers in your volunteer role.
One thing that you can say to a client though if they would like to give some money, is that they are welcome to give money to Bay Volunteers to support the work that we do. They could do this directly themselves through bank transfer, or could give you cash/cheque to pass onto Bay Volunteers. Contact us through the Volunteero Chat function or by email ( so that we can help you with this.
Please do not ever ask a client to do this unless they have already offered and shown a desire to give money to you already.
Handling payments
First of all, see if there’s a way to enable the client to pay themselves.
- If you are doing shopping for someone, the odd shop and supermarkets can take payment over the phone or have other systems to allow people to pay for shopping that someone else is collecting (check with the shop first if possible to make sure). See the ‘Collecting shopping’ section below for more information.
- If you are collecting a prescription, check first whether the person is exempt from paying. If you do need to pay, some pharmacies will take payment over the phone, so ask about this.
The usual way to pay for things is that you will need to make the payment yourself and have them pay you back afterwards.
- As a volunteer you need to pay for the items initially (please don't ask for payment up front).
- There is a small risk involved in relying on being paid back, so try to avoid expensive orders; however, we will make sure you are never out of pocket.
- If possible, have them pay you back via bank transfer; however, you may find they are likely to pay you back with cash or a cheque, both which are particularly popular with older people (you may need to get cash out initially and use that so you have the exact change to give them when you return with their shopping).
- Please do NOT take someone's credit or debit card to make a payment on their behalf.
Try and return the money if possible, or refuse deliberate overpayments. Use your common sense - if this is a few pence because you don't have change that's fine. Anything more substantial needs to be dealt with more carefully. Please contact the Bay Volunteers Manager at, who can advise you on how to proceed. Even if you plan to re-use it, e.g. to buy shopping for another request where the person can't afford it, you should let us know for accountability and to protect yourself from any potential allegations.
Eggcup Collections
1) Ask the client whether they need to pay for their Eggcup parcel or not? (Look at 'Handling Payments' if it needs paying for, usually £5.)
2) Ask the client if there are any food that they particularly want/like or things that they don't like in their parcel (otherwise you will just need to tell the person at Eggcup who walks across the food with you that it's not for you and to just make a call on any choices).
3) Take carrier bags with you to Eggcup to put the food into.
Please note the Eggcup opening times below (which are slightly different for Lancaster and Morecambe):
Mondays: 11am-6:45pm
Tuesdays-Thursdays: 9am-12pm, 1-3:45pm (closed 12-1pm for lunch)
Fridays: Closed
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9am-12pm, 1-3:45pm (closed 12-1pm for lunch)
Wednesdays (2-6:45pm)
Fridays: Closed
Lancaster Eggcup (13-15 Chapel St, Lancaster, LA1 1NZ): You can park for 30 minutes for free in Sainsbury's car park as Eggcup is just across the road, which should be sufficient time to nip across to Eggcup and back to your car (if you're longer than this you may receive a parking ticket, so it might be wise to avoid busy times at Eggcup which are usually when Eggcup has just opened).
Morecambe Eggcup (21A Albert Road, Morecambe, LA4 4HD): You can park on roads around Eggcup for free, including the main road (Albert Road) that Eggcup is on.
Collecting shopping
There are a few different options here:
1) Help the person connect with a local shop that is able to take orders and payment by phone, and ideally deliver for them (e.g. some Londis stores).
2) As above, but they may need someone to go and collect the shopping.
3) Go shopping for them, then get the shop to phone and take payment - check that the supermarket or shop does this first before going.
4) Go shopping for them, where Volunteer shopping card schemes are also in place, e.g. at M & S and ASDA. You may want to familiarise yourself with these schemes and suggest as an option. This might work best for people who are tech-savvy enough to order one of these and either print it out for your or email it to you.
5) (The usual way that shopping works for the majority of clients.) Go shopping for them and receive payment via bank transfer, or in cash or by cheque on return with the shopping, which is a common preference for older people. You may need to get cash out initially and use that so you have the exact change to give them when you return with their shopping. (Try to avoid expensive orders where you rely on cash being paid back; however, we will make sure you are never out of pocket.)
If this is the case you have two options:
1) If you are willing and able you can fulfil this request yourself (there is no obligation for this), then in the mission that you have been assigned make sure to tell us that you are happy to do this on a regular basis in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers", then we will definitely see it and can update the mission.
2) If you are not able to fulfil this mission on a regular basis and would prefer that another volunteer took up that mission, please let the client know that you are unable to fulfil this and that you will be putting a new mission on the board for this which hopefully a volunteer with pick up soon. (To do this, make sure to tell us this in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers", then we will definitely see it and can unassign you and make it lives for other volunteers on the new missions board.)
Collecting prescriptions or medication
You can collect a paper prescription from a GP surgery for someone if they've told the surgery they're happy for you to collect it. You will usually be asked to confirm the name and address of the person you're collecting the prescription for, so make sure you get this information. You should also take your ID with you to the surgery.
You can then take the paper prescription to a pharmacy to collect the medicine. However, the client must have completed part 1 of the prescription form (FP10) and you (the person collecting the medicine) must complete parts 2 and 3.
You will need to be able to confirm the name and address of the person you are collecting this for, so make sure you know this information. It is also helpful to confirm how many items you are collecting, as the pharmacist will often check this with you. You should also check whether the prescription will need paying for.
- There are many people who are exempt from prescription charges including anyone over the age of 60. See this page on the NHS website for more information. If in doubt, it's worth checking with the person you are collecting it for before you go to the pharmacy.
- The pharmacist will check the back of the FP10 form to make sure it's signed and the appropriate category is ticked if the person is exempt from paying charges, and that you're acting on their behalf and have their permission.
- If a client has to pay prescription charges, you'll need to make arrangements for payment; see the 'Handling Payments' section above.
Controlled medicines include morphine, pethidine and methadone, among others. These types of medicines are sometimes misused so they have stricter legal controls on their supply. For this reason we would suggest that anyone who needs this type of medication regularly, signs up with Pharmacy2u at (see the next question for more information).
If this is not possible, or if a patient has no other option than to ask a volunteer to collect a "controlled medicine" for them, then the patient must phone their pharmacy in advance to explain who will be collecting their medication. When the volunteer collects the medicine, the pharmacist will request proof of identity from the volunteer, before releasing the paper prescription and/or medication. The pharmacist may also phone the client for further verification.
Pharmacy2u ( is an online pharmacy that allows you to order your medicines from your computer, tablet or smartphone, and have them posted to your home free of charge.
When someone signs up, they will be asked to enter their personal details, including their address, GP surgery and debit card details. They can then add their medicines to their account, and request repeat prescriptions on the Pharmacy2u website. The medicines will be posted straight to their home, with no charge for delivery, and they usually take 5-10 days to arrive.
The is an option you could recommend to people who need regular prescriptions collecting, especially if this includes controlled medicine(s). If you or someone you're helping need help setting up an account with Pharmacy2u please ask, and someone from the Bay Volunteers team will be able to help you over the phone.
Short/Long-term Listening calls/visits/walks
The main purpose is to provide a listening ear, we need to be clear that we are not able to provide a solution to their personal problems but show that we care and show each person that they matter.
We are not trained 'listeners' or counsellors but some useful tips and principles include:
- being sensitive and empathetic: attempting to see the situation from the client’s perspective
- being non-judgemental: respect radically different views
- being non-directive: not provide any advice on personal issues but provide client space to talk through their concerns, which in itself can lead them to better clarity
- using open questions starting with How, Why, What helps with a conversation to explore some of their concerns
- some people might be happy just to chat while others might find it more difficult or become upset; you can acknowledge silence by saying things like “just take your time” or “I’m listening” and “I feel this is really difficult for you".
We would encourage you to keep your anonymity. When calling, introduce yourself by your first name, but it might be advisable not to disclose too much personal information – remember the main focus should be on the client and finding out about them, letting them speak.
The content of your conversations should remain confidential, though you should never promise total confidentiality in case you come across issues that will require you to pass some information on to others.
If you come across issues that you feel are beyond your competence or require specialist input, such as imminent suicidal tendency, you might want to clarify – for example, by asking “Are you saying that you are thinking about killing yourself?” and also explain your responsibility to call for an ambulance if you identify somebody in immediate danger and they disclose their location to you.
You should also feedback to the Bay Volunteers team if you have had calls that you found difficult or concerning, so we are able to support. In cases like these, make sure to tell us these in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers", then we will definitely see it and can take any action. Following this, a member of the Bay Volunteers team will get back to you.
If this is the case you have two options:
1) If you are willing and able you can fulfil this request yourself (there is no obligation for this), then in the mission that you have been assigned make sure to tell us this in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers", then we will definitely see it and can update the mission in case another volunteer takes this up in the future.
2) If you are not able to fulfil that other part of the mission that has come to light and would prefer that another volunteer took up that mission, please let the client know that you are unable to fulfil this and that you will be putting a new mission on the board for this which hopefully a volunteer with pick up soon. (To do this, make sure to tell us this in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers", then we will definitely see it and can create this new mission and put it on the new missions' board.)
Patient Transport
We are offering this service to provide patient transport for those who are unable to access a lift from family or friends, public transport or to afford a taxi. This mission will only be given from a direct referral through doctors surgeries or the integrated care community.
You must call the client on the day of the appointment to let them know that you will be coming and to confirm the details and times.
For this mission, please arrive at the client's address in good time. Ask the client if they would please sit in the back of your car and minimize contact with them. Please also provide ventilation (where possible).
Whilst waiting for the client to attend their appointment, please wait outside for them ready to take them back to their address after.
If you had a problem completing this mission, make sure to tell us these in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers?", then we will definitely see it and can take any action. Following this, a member of the Bay Volunteers team will get back to you. In the case of an emergency, please contact 999.
Digital missions (which will usually be one-offs or only need doing a couple of times) give a wide range of possible missions that might need fulfilling to support people. These missions can be anything from helping someone to download and use the NHS App or help to request appointments online to supporting someone in setting up and using an email account, and everything in between. You will be able to look at the specifics of the mission (which you would clarify with the client before going to see them) to know if you think the mission is something you could do.
When you have arranged a day and time to go and support someone digitally, you will go to their house and will help them at their property (most likely on the door step).
They may require help just once, or it may be two or three times. We don't expect these missions to be recurring every week for a long period of time unless a different kind of support is also needed, but you are under no obligation to give that support if you would prefer not to or are unable to.
We are offering this service to provide digital support for those who are unable to access support from others or get to any sort of digital training themselves in-person.
You should make contact with the client to clarify the support required and to arrange a day and time to visit.
For this mission, on the arranged day and at the arranged time, you will go to the client’s home and support them with their digital need, e.g. to download and use the relevant NHS App(s). Whilst with the client, you should check with the client if they are happy with what you have done for/with them or shown them, or whether they would like another session to be arranged in a week or months’ time (or whenever is appropriate).
Here is the detailed step-by-step guidance for how to set up the NHS App for someone.
Each time you complete a shift within a mission or when you have completed a 'one-off' mission that doesn't have shifts, make sure to REPORT so we have a record of time spent volunteering and of that person being supported.
You are under no obligation to do this. If you are willing to fulfil this recurring now recurring mission, let the Bay Volunteers team know if a one-off mission needs to turn into recurring support like this and we will create the shifts inside this mission for you. If for any reason your situation changes and you are not able to continue, let the Bay Volunteers team know in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers", then we will definitely see it and can put the mission back on the board so that it can be picked up by another volunteer.
If you had a problem completing this mission, make sure to tell us these in your 'REPORT' in the mission you've been assigned and toggle on the question in the report that says, "Does this report require any action from Bay Volunteers?", then we will definitely see it and can take any action. Following this, a member of the Bay Volunteers team will get back to you. In the case of an emergency, please contact 999.
Community Group Buddy
Community Group Buddy missions (which will usually be short-term for a a handful of weeks) will involve you attending a local community group with a client as a means of support. Thereafter, the hope is that the client will attend themselves. The key part is to help a client grow in confidence to attend a local community group and understand how to get there on their own (e.g. using local buses and walking). Details about the community group, day and time of the group, and length of mission should be clear in the mission which you will be able to see before asking to be assigned to it.
When you have arranged a day and time to go and support someone attending a community group, you will go to their house and carry this mission out on the agreed day and time.
They may require help just once, or it may be two, three or four times. We don't expect these missions to be recurring every week for a long period of time unless a different kind of support is also needed, but you are under no obligation to give that support if you would prefer not to or are unable to.
You should make contact with the client (it is probably wise to spend a bit of time on the phone building up a rapport with the client first) to clarify the support required, including clarifying the community group that they want to attend (including the day and time of this), the length of support from yourself, the best transport route (including use of bus and walking), as well as establishing when the first time would be.
For this mission itself, on the arranged day and at the arranged time, you will go to the client’s home and travel by bus and/or walking to the community group, attending the group with the client and then returning back to the client's home with them.
Whilst with the client, you should check with the client if they are happy with the group and whether they do want to attend again the week after (or whenver the next arranged group is).
When the weeks of support have finished, it would be good to heavily encourage the client to keep attending the community group they have been attending with you.
(If a bus is needed to be used and you don't have a bus pass, please purchase a bus ticket (return/day rider), and claim it back with other expenses.)
When carrying out this type of mission, you are able to claim any expenses that you incur, which includes, but is not limited to:
- Transport costs to get to and from the client's house.
- Using the bus/train with the client (if appropriate).
- Parking charges at the community group (if appropriate).
- Entry fee to community group (if appropriate).
- Refreshments bought at the community group (if appropriate).
- Any other cost that you incur whilst carrying out this mission.
Each time you complete a shift within a mission or when you have completed a 'one-off' mission that doesn't have shifts, make sure to REPORT so we have a record of time spent volunteering and of that person being supported, which includes your time getting to the client and getting home from it as well, as this is all time that you have generously given.
After completing the number of shifts required in a given Community Group Buddy mission, please fill in the expenses form (provided by Lancaster District CVS - printable version - digitally downloadable and editable version), noting all expenses incurred over the weeks spend doing the mission, and return it to
We will then approve and sign it, before passing it on to Lancaster District CVS, who will reembirse you.
If you do not want to claim expenses, that is your choice and very generous of you; HOWEVER, please could we encourage you to still claim the expenses (as the money is there from CVS to be used) and then to gift them back to Bay Volunteers where we can Gift Aid them (if you are a UK tax payer). You can give to Bay Volunteers here: (where you will also find a Gift Aid form). Any Giving and Gift Aid forms can be returned to